Discover® Deliver
A fast and convenient payment experience
Discover® Deliver is backed by the fastest growing global payments network by number of network alliances1. We ensure each transaction is fast, convenient, and more secure.
1. Based on signed network alliance agreements over the past five years with major payment networks within respective countries, Panoramic Research study, conducted 2024.
Discover® Deliver is backed by the fastest growing global payments network by number of network alliances1. We ensure each transaction is fast, convenient, and more secure.
1. Based on signed network alliance agreements over the past five years with major payment networks within respective countries, Panoramic Research study, conducted 2024.
What is Discover Deliver?
Discover Deliver is a push payment solution that makes it possible to quickly transfer funds from person-to-person, and for businesses to disburse funds using eligible Discover Prepaid and Debit Card.
Ready to simplify the payment process?
Learn more about Discover Deliver
Get more information to help you meet the growing demand for faster digital payments while expanding your customer base to include Discover Debit and Prepaid Cardholders.